Monday 12 July 2010

Here we go!

This is my first far so good.
A blog is something I have thought about doing in the past, today I fell into it by default.

My name as it says at the top, is Mike, a 28 year old man working in Harrogate, I support people under the age of 18, who have become involved in drugs.

that last word in the context I have written it in may have triggered some kind of emotional response with in you and possibly without you knowing. when I tell people what I do for a living, I occasionally get some hostility, especially when I worked with adults. comments like "why do you want to help those people? don't they get enough?" "smack heads" "Scumbags"

Your absolutely right to ask that question and here's my answer..........

Those people, are exactly that......People, Human Beings.
I will never accept, defend or try to justify the crimes some people commit........Never.
Picture a drug user in your head....what do you see?
I bet you see a man and not a woman! am I right?
ok this man is stood infront of you, how old is he?
late 20's early 30's right again?
ok, so there is a 31 year old man infront of you, what is the first queation you would ask him and why?
I would ask him where he came from? people are not popped out as 31 year old drug users. the person before you began as a baby, just like you. but what happened to them why did they choose a different path to you? I do what I do because I want to know why this person went wrong and where it happened.

I have met some very interesting people, people with more intelligence than me (not hard to achieve) others with fantastic abilities.
The drug is nothing more than a coping mechanism, have you ever been stuck in a rut with no motivation, then someone (parent/boss/friend) gives you a huge kick up the backside?
imagine not having anyone to give you that kick?

To say they all come from poor backgrounds is very wrong, but one that the media enjoy pushing on people.
To say they all steal and would hurt old people is also wrong.

Look at the worst criminals in recent history, Ian Huntley, not a drug user, Ian Brady, not an addict. the world is full of bad people not all of them are addicts.
I believe for every bad person there are two very good people and one person who wants to be bad but has reasons not to be.

Drugs are illegal but i will blog/rant about this later. a whole other argument.

I guess what I want the world to understand is, people are not born bad, this leads me to believe that people are not bad, but some times we do bad things. in the case of 'drugs' a bad decision can lead to a lifetime of bad choices.

Take care

1 comment:

  1. Great first blog/intro. Straight in with both guns blazing :) The prejudices around substance misuse baffle me in this day and age, to be honest. I took a drug awareness course on my own time some years ago and to be honest it really opened my eyes up to the PEOPLE behind the addiction and how everyday prejudices affect the recovery of people with an addiction. A very cut & dried opinion I know, and I am very well aware that drug abuse leaves many victims in it's wake, but we all have to start somewhere, don't we, and I suspect that a good starting point is be opening our eyes!

    I'm looking forward to reading more Mike.
