Friday 16 September 2011

Happyness is - moving forward!!!!!

OK, if you have read my last two blog entries, which wallowed in self pity you'll have an idea of where I have been over the last few months.

I cannot say too much at this stage about my plans or what I feel is needed for me to move forward not that it's a big secret, but there are other people who need to hear my plans from me first, out of my respect for them it must stay under wraps for now.

My life is by no means back on track and my plans may not work, but the fact that I have begun to put change into action means I am moving forward whereas before I was dwelling on the cloud that surrounded me.

"if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got"

this is a powerful statement, powerful because when the cloud descends around you and you cannot see the wood for the trees it encourages you to change not in a massive way but just to try another way. change one thing - anything, it might be the simplest of change, language, tone of voice, asking for help or ideas.

It might all go 'Pete tong' but I'm trying, I have an 'aim' and that creates a pathway, "A way forward"

I'll keep you posted

1 comment:

  1. I have moved to Durham CDS now. If you need someone to be on the wrong end of a rant and moan, I have a thick skin.
